MU Global Health Initiative

The Global Health Initiative: International Research Elective started as the MU-Zambia Program, which hosted three medical students as part of a partnership with Zambia-Lusaka Apex Medical University (LAMU) and Copperbelt University School of Medicine (CBU SOM). The fellows had the opportunity to research under an MU School of Medicine faculty mentor over the course of one summer.

In 2023, an agreement with Pan-African Organization for Health, Education and Research (POHER) has extended the initiative to host two medical students at MU each summer.

Fellows learn the latest research techniques and be exposed to new research experiences, enhancing their skills to better advance worldwide health initiatives. After being immersed in research activities, ethics education, career workshops including preparation for their chosen field, and discussions with Mizzou medical school students and faculty, they conclude the program with a poster presentation.

Selected fellows receive on-campus housing, meals, one hour of academic/research credit, travel to and from Columbia, and a stipend.

Your generous support can positively contribute towards improving medical education in Africa. Contact for more information.